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  • WiFi WLED [WiFi白光情境燈條]


This atmosphere LED is great for home, garden decoration or shop, window display. There are 9 patterns to select for power-on display or for button selection. And 6/18 hours on/off timer is built-in, no need to un-plug the power everyday. The following video shows the basic operation.





The LED is IP68 water submersible and is a hard but bendable strip. Therefore not easy to break. And there are multiple choices of the supply power.


An Android APP is free download to control the LED through WiFi The control range is around 30~40 meters indoors and 300~400 meters in an open space. Please see the video for demonstration.

有免費下載的Android APP可以用於透過WiFi遙控這個LED燈條。控制距離,室內約30~40公尺,在開放空間是300~400公尺。請看以下的影片示範。



There are free-download Windows software used to control up to 10 devices (LEDs or Fan or Pump) at a time. It is very useful for users to create his own control system. The following video is a simple demonstration.




:: Package Content 出貨內容 ::
1, An AC Power Adaptor  交流轉直流壁插式電壓器
    Input :  AC100~240V 50/60Hz 0.4A
    Output :  DC 12V 1.5A
2, A WiFi Control Box  WiFi控制盒
    Input :  DC 12V 1.5A
    Output :  4-pin Connector (Only 2 pins used)
3, A 2-meter long IP68 White LED Strip  2公尺長IP68等級防水白光燈條
    Input :  LED and Power 2 wires
The LED strip is made of 5050 chips and each chip with 3 white LEDs in a single package. There are totally 120 chips in a 2-meter long strip. PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) is used to control the brightness of the LEDs. The brightness could be adjusted from 1% to 100% fully-on.
LED燈條是由 5050 晶片所構成,而每一個晶片封裝中有三個白光LED。在2公尺長的燈條中共有120顆晶片。使用PWM﹝脈衝寬度調變﹞來控制LED燈的亮度。亮度可以從1%調整到100%全亮。


There are 9 pre-defined pattern display called Flash mode 1~9. User can select 1 of the 9 modes for power-up automatic display. The 9 Flash modes are named as:

Step Mountain,   Step Ladder, Blink Ladder,

Random Ladder,   Step Flash,   Random Flash,

Step Saw,   Mountain Blink,   Blink Flash

User can press buttons to show all 9 Flash modes one by one. The repeat cycle is around 20~30 seconds. The speed is adjustable by buttons from 1/3 cycle time to 3 cycle time.

內建有9種事先設計的情境顯示,叫做Flash mode 1~9。使用者可以從9種中選擇一種當開機閃爍顯示。只要插上電源就自動閃爍。這9種Flash mode被命名為:

步進山形起伏, 步進階梯起伏,明暗階梯起伏,



使用者可以按壓按鍵來一個一個顯示9種Flash mode。但開機顯示只能指定一種。顯示反覆的週期約為20~30秒,可以用按鍵調整速度,從最短1/3週期到3週期時間調整。


The 9 Flash modes are shown in the follow videos:

下面的影片顯示9種的Flash modes:


Step Mountain 步進山形起伏, Step Ladder 步進階梯起伏

Blink Ladder 明暗階梯起伏, Random Ladder 隨機階梯起伏

Step Flash 步進閃光變化, Random Flash 隨機閃光變化

Step Saw 步進鋸齒變化, Mountain Blink 山形接明暗

Blink Flash 明暗接閃光



User manual 使用者手冊:WLED1UserGuideR2.pdf  
The control box is designed to connect a WiFi WLED only. It can not work on other products.
這控制盒是專為WiFi WLED所設計,無法移用到其他產品上。

There are 4 accessories (other purchase) to this product. There are the 18650 battery box (3 * 18650 re-chargeable batteries), the car cigarette lighter connector, the rice light connect wire and the LED standard connect wire. The battery box is very useful when a 110V/220V home power is nowhere to be found and gives you a mobile LED strip. The car lighter connector is very convenient when driving out in a car for camping. See the photos below:





Rice light is one kind of popular LED light, very popular in holiday decoration. Use the connect wire to connect the rice light (5 or 10 meter long). All functions of the WiFi control box can be applied as well. If user wants to have a LED strip longer than our 2-meter product, the LED standard connect wire is very useful. Just change the power supply to a bigger 12V 5Amp (for 5-meter long LED strip) output one and connect the wire to a LED with a standard connector, the LED strip will work. See the photos below:

銅線燈是近來非常受歡迎的LED燈,在節日裝飾上很常見。使用我們所提供的銅線燈接線連接銅線燈﹝五或十公尺長﹞。所有WiFi控制盒提供的功能均能適用。如果使用者想擁有比我們標準2公尺長產品更長的LED燈條,只要更換電源到大一點的12V 5安培﹝適合五公尺長LED﹞輸出的供應器,並使用我們的LED標準連接線接上LED,LED就可以正常工作。請看以下照片: